JR supports aid project «KITA Blessings» in Africa
Joana Roots supports with her music the aid project «KITA Blessings» in Africa.
KITA Blessings was founded in 2014 by Eva Mathiba and is located in the township of Hammanskraal. Together with four nurses, Eva looks after 52 children. The KITA, on a dusty piece of earth, consists of three rusty corrugated iron huts, which are not insulated. In the summer it is very hot, in winter extremely cold and in the rain the roof leaks in many places. The toilets are very rudimentary. The fence that surrounds the area has holes everywhere and is hardly a shelter. For Eva a well-balanced nutrition for the children is very important and she has already laid out a small vegetable garden. Unfortunately, this is not enough to provide children with fresh vegetables every day. Eva has a big heart, but only a few financial possibilities. The money is enough for what is necessary, but not for learning material and toys. Nevertheless, she is doing her best day by day to create a place where the children are safe and can prepare for the school.
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